| Understanding Do Not Call Compliance Our Compliance Officers are here to help you understand the various do not call compliance rules and regulations and to be your compliance partner while you telemarket your products and services. |
 | State & National Do Not Call Registry Management We’ll help you register your organization with state and national do not call registries, obtain your Subscription Account Number (SAN) from the national do not call registry, and gain access to the area code lists that you will be telemarketing in as required by the FTC. |
 | Do Not Call Scrubbing & List Management Our Internet based list scrub wizard guides you through a simple step-by-step process to upload and scrub your list quickly and easily. |
 | Company-Specific Do Not Call Scrubbing & List Management We’ll help you maintain your FTC required company-specific do not call list and scrub against it when you submit your call lists. |
 | Detailed Do Not Call Compliance Reporting & Record Keeping We’ll create and maintain the reports you’ll need to claim “safe harbor” and avoid costly fines in the case that you inadvertently call any consumers on the national do not call registry or the various state registries. |
 | Company Do Not Call Policy Creation Management We’ll help you produce and maintain your FTC required Do Not Call Policy and deliver the policy via USPS Certified Mail when requested by a consumer. |
 | Comprehensive Do Not Call Compliance Library Our Do Not Call Compliance Library places the many federal and state calling rules and regulations in one easy-to-use interface for quick and easy access by you and your agents. |
 | Do Not Call Compliance Training Center We’ll help you train your personnel as required by the FTC, in the procedures established pursuant to the Telemarketing Sales Rule. |
 | Multi-State Do Not Call Scrubbing & List Management We are proud to offer access to most and assistance with all do not call state lists, and our easy-to-use state list management interface makes managing and scrubbing your telemarketing call lists easy. |
 | TCPA Wireless Ported Number Scrubbing & List Management Gain access to and scrub your call list against the TCPA Wireless Ported Number List, a requirement when using a predictive or auto dialer to make your telemarketing calls. |
 | Established Business Relationship List Scrubbing & Management Our EBR list management interface helps you manage the relationships you have with your clients and prospects so you can still telemarket to them even if their phone number is on the federal and/or a state do not call registry. |
 | MasterView Account Management Created for organizations with multiple agents and contractors, MasterView Account Management provides you with the ability to create, manage and track the activities of your agents. |
 | Agent & Administrative Level User Access Our Agent (employee) Dashboard allows access to all call compliance services while our Administrator (management) Dashboard allows additional reporting and administrative services. |