| Do Not Call Safe Harbor If a seller or telemarketer can establish that as part of its routine business practice, it meets the following requirements, it will not be subject to civil penalties or sanctions for erroneously calling a consumer who has asked not to be called, or for calling a number on the National Registry: - the seller or telemarketer has established and implemented written procedures to honor consumers’ requests that they not be called.
- the seller or telemarketer has trained its personnel, and any entity assisting in its compliance, in these procedures.
- the seller, telemarketer, or someone else acting on behalf of the seller or charitable organization has maintained and recorded an entity-specific Do Not Call list.
- the seller or telemarketer uses, and maintains records documenting, a process to prevent calls to any telephone number on an entity-specific Do Not Call list or the National Do Not Call Registry. This, provided that the latter process involves using a version of the National Registry from the FTC no more than 31 days before the date any call is made.
- the seller, telemarketer, or someone else acting on behalf of the seller or charitable organization monitors and enforces compliance with the entity’s written Do Not Call procedures.
- the call is a result of error.
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DO NOT CALL COMPLIANCE.COM SITE MAP   | Do Not Call Compliance Home For the most up-to-date telemarketing registration, state and federal Do Not Call compliance, call list scrubbing, and do not call exemption information, Do Not Call Compliance.com has the solution to every telemarketer's needs. |  | Do Not Call Compliance Software and Services Whether you plan on scrubbing your call lists manually or using our full-service automated scrub feature, Do Not Call Compliance.com has a plan for every telemarketer. Read about our entire suite of do not call compliance services as they relate to state and federal do not call compliance. |  | Do Not Call Scrubbing Solutions The key to safe telemarketing is understanding FTC and FCC compliance. At the state and national level, do not call compliance is vital to the success of telemarketers who are making unsolicited consumer telephone calls. |  | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) For both the newcomer and expert, our frequently asked questions cover issues raised by all telemarketers. Learn about our individual scrubbing and registration services. General questions about do not call compliance are answered as well. |  | State & National Do Not Call Regulatory News Stay current on the ever-changing regulatory landscape of telemarketing do not call compliance including recent court decisions and state findings. Our monthly newsletter tracks both federal and state regulatory developments related to the commercial telemarketing industry. |  | Do Not Call Rules, Laws, & Regulations Information for telemarketers regarding the Do Not Call Provisions of the Federal Trade Commission’s Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) including The National Do Not Call Registry background, coverage under the TSR, accessing the National Do Not Call Registry, paying for access, and Do Not Call Compliance. |  | Do Not Call Terminology Some of the do not call compliance terminology can be confusing. Read about the different acronyms, abbreviations, and definitions that telemarketers and the government use when describing do not call compliance. |  | About Do Not Call Compliance Who is Do Not Call Compliance.com? The mission, philosophy, and background of our dynamic company explained. From Do Not Call compliance to list scrubbing, Do Not Call Compliance.com is the strength behind many successful telemarketers! |  | Start Your New Subscription Today Complete a brief questionnaire if you or your firm are seeking a comprehensive automated state and federal do not call compliance solution that will enable you to embrace all facets of do not call compliance and a call compliance consultant will contact you shortly. |  | Contact Us Telephone, email, fax, mailing address, and location for Do Not Call Compliance.com. Complete our online form and we will contact you as soon as possible. |  | Do Not Call Compliance.com Site Map The outline of Do Not Call Compliance.com is described here. Visitors can quickly access pages regarding telemarketing list scrubbing plans, do not call compliance, FTC regulations, FCC guidelines, state and national rules, and telemarketing non-compliance issues. | Start your Do Not Call Compliance program now or call 800-930-7252 to learn how you can put our experience and expertise to work for you! Telemarketing do not call list compliance with Do Not Call Compliance. Register your company and comply with state and federal do not call regulations. Telephone number scrubbing.